

  1. Update components directory. (details)
  2. Bug fix. (details)
Commit db5c42251eff61304b63a7002ded65133112d668 by julien
Update components directory.
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/Camera5MP/raspistill -
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/Camera5MP/
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/MPU6050 accelerometer gyroscope/Backup before cleaning
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/PCF8591/pcf8591 - datasheet.pdf
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/Pushbullet/curl commands
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/PCA9685 - Adafruit PWM/
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/PCA9685 - Adafruit PWM/PCA9685.pdf
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/IRReceiver_1838B/datasheet-184288-da-01-en-IR_RECEIVER_2_7_5_5V_OS_1838B.pdf
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/links.html
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/Robot_POC/Code couleur
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/MPU6050 accelerometer gyroscope/
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/Robot_POC/
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/PCF8591/Note - wiring pi
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/Thermistor/Thermistor datasheet.pdf
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/DHT/signal.png
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/DHT/Pour le rapport - pq impossible sur
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/LCD1602/Cy_I2C_LCD_1.0_001-86626_0A.pdf
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/MPU6050 accelerometer gyroscope/Gyroscope angular speed bruit.png
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/Wifi hotspot/Wifi hotspot - Raspberry Pi
The file was added"COMPONENTS/MPU6050 accelerometer gyroscope/explication du pourquoi il est impossible de d\303\251tecter une rotation autours de"
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/LCD1602/TC1602A-01T.pdf
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/Websocket/Websocket server joystick
The file was addedCOMPONENTS/MPU6050 accelerometer gyroscope/These registers store the most recent acceleromete
Commit bd98027acf31f0e0096c03510f686c2204c167e9 by julien
Bug fix.
The file was modifiedbrickpi_java_api/src/main/com/raspoid/robots/poc/
The file was modifiedbrickpi_java_api/src/main/com/raspoid/robots/poc/