Build stability: 2 out of the last 5 builds failed.60
Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 22 tests.100
Build History


#127 (23-Jun-2016 12:37:28)

  1. Correction small issue. — julien / detail

#125 (23-Jun-2016 12:27:38)

  1. POC robot and small fixes. — julien / detail

#124 (02-Jun-2016 10:01:29)

  1. No more TODO. — julien / detail

#123 (01-Jun-2016 18:17:55)

  1. Commit before tag — julien / detail

#122 (25-May-2016 11:40:58)

  1. Main license files. — julien / detail
  2. License header on each source file. — julien / detail
  3. Corrections authors (même lignes authors et version pour chaque — julien / detail

#120 (23-May-2016 20:26:40)

  1. Last javadoc. — julien / detail

#118 (23-May-2016 20:12:55)

  1. Comments added for missing examples — motateko / detail

#117 (23-May-2016 20:05:25)

  1. Correction 4 new sonar lint issues. — julien / detail
  2. Moving two last examples. — julien / detail
  3. Class Diagrams. — julien / detail
  4. Some changes. — julien / detail

#113 (23-May-2016 19:29:49)

  1. Exceptions commented — motateko / detail

#110 (16-May-2016 11:15:49)

  1. Added Touch sensor to the Raw hierarchy — motateko / detail

#109 (15-May-2016 15:09:10)

  1. Added sender chip argument — motateko / detail

#108 (08-May-2016 23:56:22)

  1. Corrections in the Camera package, and modification of the architecture — julien / detail
  2. Class Diagrams. — julien / detail
  3. Moving examples in a specific package + updating javadoc. — julien / detail

#106 (04-May-2016 15:19:06)

  1. Tabs to spaces. — julien / detail

#105 (03-May-2016 17:49:22)

  1. Corrections from Findbugs - fin ? — julien / detail

#104 (03-May-2016 17:28:32)

  1. Corrections from Findbugs - suite. — julien / detail

#103 (03-May-2016 16:51:02)

  1. Corrections from Findbugs in network package. — julien / detail

#102 (03-May-2016 15:45:57)

  1. Move behavioral to examples package. — julien / detail

#94 (03-May-2016 14:07:21)

  1. Remove and move TWIP robot. — julien / detail

#93 (03-May-2016 13:51:31)

  1. Cleaning sources, libs, additionnal components, javadoc, ... . — julien / detail

#91 (27-Apr-2016 18:15:52)

  1. Added PID implem + fix ultrasonic distance — motateko / detail

#90 (22-Apr-2016 17:02:52)

  1. Cleaning old MPU6050. — julien / detail

#89 (22-Apr-2016 16:59:42)

  1. MPU6050 before new updating thread. — julien / detail
  2. New MPU6050 before removing last TODOs. — julien / detail
  3. No more TODO / no more Lint issue / no more javadoc missing for — julien / detail
  4. Update of the MPU6050 server used for data visualizer. — julien / detail

#88 (22-Apr-2016 10:23:10)

  1. reuse jacoco — julien.louette / detail

#86 (22-Apr-2016 10:04:23)

  1. remove jacoco — julien.louette / detail

#82 (14-Apr-2016 17:57:45)

  1. LED PWM. — julien / detail

#81 (14-Apr-2016 10:15:08)

  1. New raspoid.examples package. — julien / detail

#80 (13-Apr-2016 20:14:00)

  1. OpenCV facedetector + Jacoco. — julien / detail

#75 (11-Apr-2016 11:21:30)

  1. Try adding jacoco to Jenkins/SonarQube. — julien / detail

#73 (11-Apr-2016 09:54:20)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc: notes + servo. — julien / detail

#71 (10-Apr-2016 20:57:02)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc: IR and others. — julien / detail

#69 (10-Apr-2016 18:13:42)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc: various. — julien / detail

#66 (10-Apr-2016 12:34:26)

  1. Fix some critical FindBugs. — julien / detail

#64 (10-Apr-2016 11:39:56)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc: Additional components. — julien / detail

#62 (09-Apr-2016 13:30:50)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc: Tools + BrickPi + various. — julien / detail

#61 (09-Apr-2016 12:22:15)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc: TowerProMG90S + BrickPi examples. — julien / detail

#60 (09-Apr-2016 09:15:29)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc. — julien / detail

#59 (08-Apr-2016 22:40:36)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc: AdditionalComponents. — julien / detail

#58 (08-Apr-2016 15:22:16)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc: AdditionalComponents. — julien / detail

#56 (08-Apr-2016 09:25:15)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc: POC. — julien / detail

#55 (07-Apr-2016 15:40:25)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc, move of the Tools file. — julien / detail

#54 (07-Apr-2016 15:03:50)

  1. Push of files in beta. — julien / detail

#53 (07-Apr-2016 14:24:50)

  1. Remove duplicated code. — julien / detail

#52 (07-Apr-2016 13:42:24)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc, complete network package (no more — julien / detail

#50 (05-Apr-2016 22:14:29)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc, complete camera package (no more — julien / detail
  2. Small fixes. — julien / detail

#47 (04-Apr-2016 18:18:10)

  1. Cleaning, Refactoring and Javadoc. — julien / detail

#46 (03-Apr-2016 22:11:15)

  1. Cleaning and use of new abstractions "I2CComponent", "GPIOComponent" — julien / detail

#45 (03-Apr-2016 18:16:45)

  1. Lint fixes. — julien / detail
  2. Lint fixes. — julien / detail

#42 (03-Apr-2016 16:10:53)

  1. Cleaning and use of new abstractions "I2CComponent", "GPIOComponent" — julien / detail

#41 (02-Apr-2016 17:55:41)

  1. Bug fix #4. — julien / detail

#40 (02-Apr-2016 17:53:21)

  1. Bug fix #3. — julien / detail

#39 (02-Apr-2016 17:48:16)

  1. Bug fix #2. — julien / detail

#38 (02-Apr-2016 17:44:06)

  1. Update components directory. — julien / detail
  2. Bug fix. — julien / detail

#37 (02-Apr-2016 17:38:06)

  1. Commentaires et nettoyage package network - suite. — julien / detail

#36 (31-Mar-2016 19:41:40)

  1. added uart tests + refactored motor class — motateko / detail

#34 (31-Mar-2016 14:54:18)

  1. fixed a println in type message — motateko / detail

#32 (31-Mar-2016 14:31:53)

  1. added type message tests — motateko / detail

#30 (31-Mar-2016 11:17:45)

  1. Uncommentted daemon settings to run gradle faster — gael.wittorski / detail

#27 (31-Mar-2016 02:35:38)

  1. commented daemon crashing on jenkins — gael.wittorski / detail

#23 (31-Mar-2016 02:05:32)

  1. added sonar config to build file — motateko / detail

#19 (31-Mar-2016 00:38:56)

  1. Added daemon settings to run gradle faster — gael.wittorski / detail